Friday, January 31, 2020

Modernization Essay Example for Free

Modernization Essay Modernization is a process of modernizing a way of life. South Africa and China both attempted to modernize for a beneficial outcome. China was successful at modernizing and benefited greatly. South Africa resisted modernization and in the end suffered from harmful effects. South Africa and China both modernized in their own way. China attempted to modernize from the struggles that were present in the country. In China, modernization occurred later than then most countries; this allowed the Chinese to use other countries as a model. China began to focus on important industry’s that would help their country prosper. They began to advance in military, science, and technology, and established a strong economy by selling products to other nations. As a result of modernization China became urbanized, and industrialized. The nation also became economically stronger which made the growing nation prosper. Modernization benefited China in all aspects of a great nation. China modernization process started to begin after the Qing dynasty fell, with this the country wanted to reform which led to modernization. Modernization was a very beneficial process to china as a whole. South Africa did not benefit from the process of modernization. Modernization caused a loss of culture and society to African culture. The British came to South Africa hoping they could take over the country and modernize the country as a hole. The people of South Africa were known as the Zulus, the Zulu’s resented modernization of the British and wanted to modernize on their own. The British attempted to convert South Africans to Christianity to create modernization in the country. The Zulu’s lost the war to the British and their freedom; natives were forced to provide cheap labor to the British to make money for food. The British benefitted more from modernization then South Africans did. Modernization was not beneficial to the South Africans. Modernization was beneficial to China and was harmful to South Africa. China took years to modernize and was late in modernization but did eventually modernize and greatly befitted from it. South Africa did not benefit from modernization; they had a loss in society and culture. Modernization will always ether help a country or be harmful to the country. This will depend on how the country attempts this process as a hole and what they go off of.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

How do You Determine Asking Price when You Sell a Website? :: Sell Websites Buy Web Sites

How do You Determine Asking Price when You Sell a Website? Reprinted with permission of When you have finally made the difficult decision to sell your website the first thing that needs to be established is the asking price. Setting the asking price is not an arbitrarily process. If a website is priced well below where it should be, two things will most likely happen: First, you will not sell the business for the profit you should and you and or your co-owners/shareholders have been poorly served at best. And second, you might find that you will have more trouble selling it than if priced appropriately higher. If your website is priced too low, it will appear to most buyers that the deal must be too good to be true. And we all know what we have been told about that. So beware, low pricing may actually scare away otherwise interested buyers. Of course, it goes without saying that if the website is priced too high then there will be little or no interest on the part of serious buyers. An irrational asking price is not going to help you achieve your goal of finding a buyer for your website. Now that we have discussed the importance of pricing and what not to do, let me next say there is no exact science for coming up with an exact asking price. We must deal with a strange mix of art and science. The best asking price is that which will attract the greatest number of potential buyers. In our effort to determine this optimal price, we must resort to guidelines and â€Å"rules of thumb.† One of the most popular â€Å"rules of thumb† being used today is the Cash-flow or Revenue Multiple Method. Essentially you multiply your annual pre-tax earnings by some multiple of x and you have your price range. When a website has little or no earnings, then a similar method is applied on the revenue number. Both buyers and sellers widely use this method because of the relative consistency and measurability. Also for buyers, they can easily determine their ROI (return on investment) as the multiple can be viewed as some number of years. For instance, has annual net profits of $500,000 and they will use the range of for a low-end of two times (or â€Å"2 X† as you will often hear) and an upper range of six times.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

How does your business interpret internal / external staffing information Essay

An important task for the personnel department is to make sure that human resource planning is carried out. It is like marketing planning and it is planning of the overall business. If the employees within the business are used effectively then the business’s objectives are achieved. Planning of human resources will help the business to do this best. It is not only the human resources department’s responsibilities to make sure that this is carried out. It is also part of the marketing; production and finance managers’ responsibility to make sure that it is carried out. Human resource planning is often said to contain a soft and a hard side. The soft side of planning tends to include planning how to motivate and stratify workers, planning how to develop a certain a certain organizational culture or approach in employees, like good relations with customers, or quality all stages of production; and planning how to support or develop employees, like training. The hard side is concerned with quantifying the number, quality and type of employees that will be needed. It is also often known as manpower plan. It can include analyzing current employment needs, forecasting the likely future demand for employees by the business; forecasting the likely future supply of workers that will be available to hire; and predicting labour turnover, the extent to which workers leave the business. Planning can take place short term and long term. Short term planning is aimed at the immediate/present needs of the business, like the filling the vacancies left, say, and due to maternity leave. Long term planning will look at planning for the future, like if the firm was to change production, then it would need to plan the number of employees needed. The first step in manpower planning is to conduct a skills audit and assessment of an organisation’s employees. This provides a comprehensive picture of the supply of labour available to Safeway from internal sources; it examines the skills, attributes and potential of the organisation’s current employment. The audit is based on the manpower inventory, consisting of computerised personnel records on each employee covering: * Age, gender and material status * Date employment * How the employee first heard of the vacancy with the organisation * Job title * Department, section and job location * Employment status * Previous job titles within the organisation * Work experience within the organisation * Pervious work experience with other employers * Performance and attainment * Qualifications * Training and development * Potential for transfer and/ or promotion. All the information that is gathered from the manpower inventory can be analysed by Safeway not only to determine the manpower resource but it can also identify important trends that may have implications for its future labour requirements. The data that is obtained can also be used to measure and analyse, labour turnover, labour stability index, sickness and accident rates, age structure of the workforce and succession. The labour turnover ratio is used to measure the total number of employees leaving an organisation in a given period of time, which is usually a year. It is calculated in percentage terms using the formula: Labour turnover = number of employees leaving over specific period x 100 Average number of people employed The labour turnover for Safeway is: – = 15 x 100 250 Labour turnover =6% Therefore the labour turnover for Safeway is very low, where this is extremely good because it shows that only 6% actually leave within a year. A labour turnover ratio of 25% is generally considered acceptable. It’s when the rate starts to reach 30 % or more that then alarm bell start to ring. A high labour turnover rate can be indicative of a number of problems: there could be poor recruitment, with ‘wrong’ people being selected for jobs, low levels of motivation within the department, or employee dissatisfaction with unfavourable wage rates or working conditions. It may also be due to the induction process is failing and that new employees are not being made to feel comfortable. It is also important that Safeway measure the labour turnover rate to warn of potential problems, so that the management can take appropriate action. The replacing of employees can cause a lot of disruption in the efficiency; it can also create costs for recruitment and training. For Safeway to meet its manpower planning it is important that it minimises labour turnover. Another important ratio that is used, and measures, which is more suitable is the labour stability index, as the labour turnover is generally measured. The labour stability index is measured by this formula: – Labour stability = number employed with more than 12 months service x 100 Total number of staff employed one year ago The labour stability for Safeway is: – = 157 x 100 196 Labour stability = 80 The index stability represents stability because it emphasises those employees that stay rather than leave. The labour stability, which is 80, means that only 20% of workers leave, so this is a very good employment for Safeway. The aim of Safeway is to provide an excellent service to their customers. Here is a plan that can be used to make sure that this is set by Safeway and its employees, goals will be set for the behaviour of employees, like being polite to customers. This would be achieved with training being provided on customer care to employees. It is important that Safeway’s is aware of the current staff needs. In Safeway this can be done with the use of questionnaires to employees and customers, interviews with staff, performance data, discussions with managers, and recruitment or promotion information. Safeway’s can give questionnaire to customers to see whether customer service on the checkouts is good or not. If there is a problem then it should be sorted out; Safeway can do this with extra staff or more training, creating a quicker and better service for customers. I believe that at busy times more staff are required on the checkouts, as this is a occasional problem, and many customers are frustrated waiting in long queue. This is also very beneficial to employees as they will be less stressed and more motivated to meet certain goals which are set. A satisfied customer means a better reputation for the store. An introduction of bonuses based on sales will be a large motivator for staff and can also be beneficial towards the customers, as they will be gaining a better service. An important factor, which will need to taken into consideration when the forecasting new employment are the effects of new or old businesses in the area. Development of housing in the area as this will create a greater demand on the store. The methods of transportation for employees and customers to the store. This is very important because people need good transport e.g. cars, public transport to be reliable, this will lead to punctuality for employees. Also customers need easy access into the store and this is Safeway’s main priority for transport, because without this customers will not even bother coming if it’s difficult to get there. However I feel that Safeway manage to give customers easy access very well, because they also have to think about the football match days because Safeway is right near the football stadium. So on match days they don’t allow people who are not shopping to park in the Safeway car park unless they wish to pay. And local employment trends or local educational or government training schemes can make a difference in the workforce. Recruitment is a very pricey and time-consuming practise and so it is very important that Safeway implements a means of evaluating its efficiency and success. Safeway does not just determine its measure of effectiveness and success by the number of recruits that remain with the organisation over a specific period of time, even though it can be useful. Safeway evaluates every stage of its recruitment process. Safeway uses its labour turnover rate as a form of weaknesses or strengths indicator in its recruitment process. If the labour turnover rate were to be low then Safeway’s training and recruitment procedures are successfully taking place. Being able to get the recruitment procedure right can lead to considerable improvements in the organisation’s performance.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Summary Of Dostoevskys Crime And Punishment - 1398 Words

In Dostoevsky’s novel Crime and Punishment, there are many â€Å"illuminating instances† that present â€Å"casements,† displaying key openings that reveal deeper meanings embedded throughout the story. In this particular scene, Rodya has recently been sent a letter from his mother describing what has happened to Dunya. The letter discusses the discerning past with her boss, Svidrigailov, and her upcoming marriage to Luzhin. Clearly, Rodya is unsettled by these names of Svidrigailov and Luzhin, along with their backgrounds and intentions. As he wanders St. Petersburg, his mind is everywhere. At one moment he is contemplating the impossibility of Luzhin’s described character; at another, he is speaking of Svidrigailov to himself. Then suddenly, he†¦show more content†¦His goal is clearly to keep the girl away from the other man. His insistent addressing of the officer demonstrates a pure intention of keeping the girl safe. He makes sure to maintain proper communication with the officer and relays intricate observations of the girl’s condition and appearance. This action also shows the evidence of morality in Rodya’s character. However, Dostoevsky purposefully intends to make clear the mercurialness of this character. When he writes, â€Å"At that moment something seemed to sting Raskolnikov; in an instant, a complete revulsion of feeling came over him,† he creates a direct parallel comparison within Rodya (52). This direct connotation of a â€Å"sting† represents Rodya’s inherent characteristic of volatility. His initial reactions display a moral disposition, then as he watches the officer pursue the man and the girl he cries out, â€Å"Let them be! What is it to do with you? Let her go! Let him amuse himself. What is it to do with you?† (52). This is a complete change in mindset from his original reaction. He seems to desert the part of the moral compass he has maintained during this event and converts to second-guessing and questioning himself repeatedly. This transfer of thought directly shows Rodya’s change in mentality from moral to immoral. His further contemplation of women’s role and fate in society also represent his immoral thought process. HeShow MoreRelatedSummary Of Dostoevskys Crime And Punishment792 Words   |  4 Pagesthe other it firmly grasps sickness, jealousy, and fear. In Dostoevskys work â€Å"Crime and Punishment† he uses yellow as an indicator for the sinfulness and filth that permeates and surrounds the characters. To compound the sinful filthy nature of the characters yellow also adopts the form of sickness, manifesting in both mental and physical states: a sentiment that is mirrored in Perkins Stetsons’ work â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† Dostoevskys depiction of sin and sickness is prevalent throughout his workRead MoreEssay about Dostoevsky and Nietzsches Overman2123 Words   |  9 Pagesmakes anyone who has read Nietzsches Zarathustra - even aphoristically, as I tried to do at first - cringe. Barrons Encyclopedia defines an overman as someone who has his act together and gets things done. Of course, considering that this is a summary of one part of Nietzsches ideas, and that the encyclopedia reduces his entire philosophy to one short paragraph, this is not a poor definition. But it eliminates parts of Nietzsches concept of the overman, or superman, which are essential to anRead MoreLiterature and Politics the Impact of Dostoevsky9582 Words   |  39 PagesDOSTOEVSKY Dostoevsky and the Legend of the Grand Inquisitor, by Vasily Rozanov. Translated and with an Afterword by Spencer E. Roberts. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1972. Pp. xi. 232. $12.50. Political Apocalypse. A Study of Dostoevskys Grand Inquisitor, by Ellis Sandoz. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1971, Pp. xviii. 263. $13.50.* ostoevskys great novels have spawned a vast library of critical 1/literature, a library which extends well beyond traditionalRead MoreContentious Expert Testimony Case Study: R vs. Smith4529 Words   |  18 Pagesï » ¿R v. Smith: Contentious Expert Testimony Life does not frequently imitate art. The case of R v. Smith [2011] EWCA Crime 1296 is evocative of the famed and beloved masterpiece by Fyodor Dostoevsky, Crime and Punishment. The convicted murderer, Peter Smith, is very much a modern day Raskolnikov, though its doubtful that he will reach the level of redemption that Dostoevskys protagonist achieves. The case of R v. Smith [2011] EWCA Crim 1296 arose because of the murder of Hilda Owen, a 71- year old